AI-Powered Booking Engine

Increase your direct
booking revenue by
up to 375%

Install a modern and user-friendly booking system on your website that meets all the key standards set by leading OTAs (Online Travel Agencies).

Only 1 in 400 visits to hotel websites ends in a booking
Increase the effectiveness of your offer. Win up to 3 times more direct bookings with the same number of visits and increase their share of total bookings to as much as 46.38%.
Build Guest loyalty by rewarding them for making reservations on your website, while incurring lower costs compared to OTA bookings.
Hotels trust us

Discover AI Booking Engine

More than a booking engine. Discover the next-generation CRS system

Discounter AI

How to give Guests the perfect discount and multiply your property’s revenue
When using OTA portals, you bear the costs of discounts given to guests through the GENIUS loyalty program
Discounter AI decides whether to grant a discount to a particular Guest and, if so, determines the discount amount
The goal of the Discounter AI module is not to give the Guest the highest possible discount, but to maximize your property’s revenue over a 2-year period
The effectiveness of the Discounter AI module has been tested in a simulation based on real hotel properties.

Offer Recomender AI

Helping Guests choose the best timing and price… for you.

Offer Recommender AI is an advanced algorithm akin to those seen on Netflix or YouTube,
specially designed to work in the hotel environment.

Artificial intelligence suggests Guests additional, fully personalized offers. AI generates offers that persuade Guests to make direct bookings and increase the property’s revenue in the long term.
Average increase in conversions 200 – 300 %

To mogą być Twoje wyniki

Skuteczność modułu Offer Recommender AI również została zweryfikowana w rygorystycznych symulacjach.

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